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2024 Newsletter

2024 Newsletter


We welcome you all to our 2024 Newsletter. This interactive publication features key highlights that defined ActionAid Malawi’s interventions in 2024. As you will notice, the year 2024 proved engaging for ActionAid Malawi.

As we enter another year, we are most grateful to our funding partners, implementing partners and all stakeholders for their unwavering support and commitment towards achieving social justice, gender equality, and poverty eradication in Malawi. Through our partnership and collaboration, we have made so much progress together and achieved.

In 2024 we successfully launched our Country Strategy Paper VI on Transforming Systems for Social Justice (2024-2028). This strategy is designed to promote a fair and just social and economic system based on strong human rights foundations and centered around care and wellbeing. This strategy asserts the role of ActionAid Malawi as a legitimate and relevant actor in the development sector.

The key highlights for the year 2024 include the successful handover ceremony of the Chitipa Local Rights Programme where ActionAid Malawi had been operational for over 17 years. From 2006, ActionAid Malawi has supported a total of 15,024 women and girls to realise and claim their rights by addressing structural causes of gender-based violence.

ActionAid Malawi has also supported a total of 28,199 women and young women to actively challenge the structural barriers that prevent them from accessing and controlling productive resources such as land for farming.

In response to the state of national disaster caused by El Nino, ActionAid Malawi and its partners launched the Cash Transfer Initiative, supporting the Lean Season Food Insecurity Response Program by the Malawi Government where 2100 households benefited.

ActionAid Malawi also influenced the national policy discourse particularly on economic and climate justice. Engagements at international level together with our partners, allies, and social movements, amplified the voices of excluded and marginalized people on unjust policies, laws and actions that fuel climate and economic crisis in Malawi and globally.

Through our programs, we managed to contribute to strengthening women’s rights, advocating for economic justice, enhancing climate resilient livelihoods, and responding to humanitarian crises across all our Local Rights Programmes and impact areas.

Through the School Readiness Initiative and COVID-19 Response Mechanism, we continued to expand access to pre-primary school education for children from under privileged communities and supported the efforts of the Government of Malawi through the Ministry of Health in strengthening health and community systems against future pandemics respectively.

As we move forward towards transforming systems for social justice, we maintain our commitment to ensuring a just, equitable and sustainable Malawi where women and children can realize their full potential, and live a life of dignity, free from poverty and all forms of oppression. We look forward to greater collaboration in 2025, so that together we create a socially just society. Enjoy the highlights of our 2024 interventions in a full publication below:

Limodzi Tingathe!